Who we are

Gault Pty Ltd - of which Lynx Optics is a division - is a family company established over 40 years with Malcolm Gault as its Company Director. Malcolm will be a familiar name and face to many of you as a retailer, importer, shooter and trade show promoter.

As anyone knows that has dealings with Malcolm he is a man of integrity and this reputation serves him well in the business world. Although Malcolm is best known as the importer of Lynx products - optics, rings & bases - he also imports other shooting related products and this range can be viewed on this website.

In the years leading up to 1996 it was evident to a small group of firearms dealers and associated businessmen that there was no association specifically to champion the rights of firearms dealers and thus the original NSW Firearms Dealers Assoc was formed with Malcolm as one of the foundation members. Through the years he has held many and varied positions - Vice President, President, Treasurer and Vice President of the National Dealers Body. During this time he was on the front lines during the Australia Post ban on imports of firearms and parts - which effected shooters as well as dealers - and at the state level tackled many issues on behalf of not only dealers but shooters in general. Malcolm is still involved in the Association today as an ordinary member.

The Arms Fairs that Malcolm commenced at Penrith some 20 years ago are another example of his efforts to keep the industry strong as these prove to be a marvellous forum for the public to view ware from many dealers state wide and interstate as well as a social event to catch up with what is happening in the industry. Malcolm has now sold the Shows but still supports them as a trader – Malcolm is available to speak to at his tables – along with his son Matt.

The company Mission Statement is To provide best value for money together with customer service and this is why Malcolm has been a successful businessman for over 40 years.

Send mail toinfo@lynxoptics.com.au with questions or comments about this web site.

Lynxoptics is a Registered Trade Mark of Gault Pty Ltd.™.
This website is the the property of Lynxoptics©